Monday, September 9, 2013

Just when the Caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly....

It has been an interesting month to say the least. Payton is such a sweet girl and I love all of her little quirks! She has a fascination with putting a blanket on her head and has started to cover her ears. It seems like she is becoming more sensitive to noise and her blanket is her hiding place and security to get away. I encourage her to not do it but I understand she needs an output and when you can't tell mommy what is wrong or go away, the blanket works! I have had some awful experiences recently and I wanted to share them with you all.

I had a rough day about two weeks ago on Friday and got in my first real life fight over my child. I hate confrontation and I prefer to keep to myself but when it comes to my kids, you better know I will fight to the death.  Before Payton was diagnosed we were receiving therapy through the State of Florida. She had seen this particular therapist twice before we got her diagnoses and enrolled her in a wonderful place that insurance would  cover. They apparently have to do home visits quarterly(the state of Florida) and I agreed that the same therapist would come and do an evaluation in my home and mark her progress for the records. She walked through my door and we sat and chatted while Payton stacked her blocks in a row. She asked where she was going and how much ABA she receives. I told her she gets 10 hours a week and that's all she can tolerate right now. She then tried to get Payton to finish a puzzle by doing hand over hand and forcing her to the point of her screaming to finish her task. I asked why she was doing that and she said,"Do you not sit in on her therapy at the center?" I said, "I have and do multiple times and it is always about what motivates Payton. Lots of floor time and using what her interests are and reinforcing that way." She then said,"Oh, well it doesn't sound like the ABA that I agree with and if you let it continue and you don't force her to finish things and sit for longer than two seconds, she will end up in a home because her behavior is going to get worse and you are not doing everything you can for her." At that minute my blood was boiling, my body was raging in anger and I did everything I could not to just karate chop her in the throat." I said, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." She continued on and on about how the floor time is not helping her,(we have seen so much progress already with what we are doing.) and it is my responsibility as her mother to make sure she is a "normal" functioning girl. I walked her to the door and said,"You are not welcome here and I am calling your supervisor." I slammed the door and cried and cried and cried some more. Then I got the courage to call my husband to let him know what happened and tried to call her supervisor. I got no where with it except questioning myself AGAIN on if we are doing all that we can for Payton.

She has grown just in the past month and will give us amazing eye contact and will grab others to play. I do want to preach about Autism Awareness. Today at Walmart, I was grabbing some cookies for Jackson's class and this lady approached me and she had a daughter the same age as Payton. Her daughter looked at Payton and said, Hi! What is your name? Obviously Payton didn't look or pay attention. I said to her mom that she doesn't quite talk yet and her mom looked at me and said, "Oh you better get that checked out because my daughter has been talking for almost a year. She is two right?" I wish I just had a business card that says, " My daughter has Autism." The definition is.... and hand them out whenever that happens. I then told her about Autism and she was shocked because she looks "normal". Can I say that I hate the word "NORMAL" What is normal anyways???? I educated this poor girl and in the end she did feel bad but at least HOPEFULLY she doesn't do it to someone who is not so nice about it and she caught me on a good day! In the end we helped someone who was unaware and made sure that she understood exactly what it was. Anyways that is my update! I hope everyone is doing well and we are ready for fall here in Florida! The boys are doing great and we take it one day at a time!!!!

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